The recent addition of “Sharpshooter Assassins” wielding high-powered rifles in the procedurally generated mystery game Shadows of Doubt has added a new layer of challenge for players. The concept of deducing the killer’s vantage point by analyzing bullet trajectories and searching for murder weapons and witnesses at secondary crime scenes definitely adds to the game’s immersive experience. However, it seems that the Sharpshooter Assassins are not always as sharp as one might hope.

Developers at ColePowered Games have openly admitted that some players have reported finding excessive amounts of spent ammunition at crime scenes, indicating that the assassins may not be hitting their intended targets. This has led to frustration among players and calls for a solution to fix these accuracy issues. The developers have acknowledged the problem and are actively seeking ways to address it in future updates.

One possible solution mentioned in a patch note for the game’s experimental branch update is a “potential fix for sniper excessive shooting scenario.” While the specifics of this fix are not provided, it raises the question of whether limiting the Sharpshooters’ ammo supply could be a viable option. By imposing constraints on the number of bullets they can fire, players may be forced to strategize and make each shot count, rather than indiscriminately shooting until they hit their mark.

Another suggestion is the implementation of an embarrassment system for NPCs who fail to accurately complete their assigned tasks. This could add a layer of realism to the game by creating consequences for missed shots and encourage players to approach the game with more precision and thoughtfulness. It would also serve as a humorous nod to the less-than-stellar performance of the Sharpshooter Assassins in the game.

The Challenge of Real-Time Murder Simulations

One of the unique aspects of Shadows of Doubt is its use of fully simulated NPCs who live and move throughout a dynamically generated city. This means that murders in the game are not scripted events but rather happen in real-time as a result of NPC actions and interactions. While this approach adds a level of complexity and realism to the game, it also introduces the possibility of failures and inconsistencies in the murder simulations.

Players have reported instances where entire cities go without a single assassination for days or even weeks due to the unpredictable nature of the NPC behavior. This unpredictability can be frustrating for players who are accustomed to more linear and scripted gameplay experiences. However, it is also a testament to the game’s ambitious design and commitment to creating a dynamic and immersive world.

As Shadows of Doubt remains in early access with no solid release date announced, there is still room for improvement and refinement in the game. The developers are actively listening to player feedback and working on solutions to address the accuracy issues with the Sharpshooter Assassins. By continuously iterating on the game and incorporating new ideas and mechanics, Shadows of Doubt has the potential to become a truly unique and captivating experience for players.

The implementation of Sharpshooter Assassins in Shadows of Doubt has added an exciting new element to the game, but also highlighted the challenges of balancing realism and gameplay mechanics. By addressing the accuracy issues with the Sharpshooters and refining the real-time murder simulations, the developers have an opportunity to create a more cohesive and engaging experience for players. With ongoing support and updates, Shadows of Doubt has the potential to become a standout title in the genre of procedural generation mystery games.


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