As I found myself inadvertently left behind in the treehouse while everyone else went off on their Christmas holidays, I decided to take advantage of the time and continue writing the news. To my surprise, I stumbled upon some intriguing information: Amazon Prime members can currently get Deathloop for free. All you need to do is visit the Prime Gaming page before January 10th and claim Arkane’s time-bending recursive assassin game for your Epic Games account.

Underwhelming Expectations

Admittedly, I have not had the opportunity to play Deathloop myself, but based on what I’ve gathered, it seems that the game falls slightly short of Arkane’s previous acclaimed titles like Dishonored 2 and Prey. However, it still manages to hold its own and even received a “Bestest Best” rating in Brendy’s Deathloop review. Despite its polarizing multiplayer invasions, this feature adds a crucial layer of tension to the game’s narrative. The banter between the main characters, Colt and Julianna, serves as the heart of Deathloop. Colt is portrayed as a charismatic renegade, relying on instinct and persistence to navigate the game world. Meanwhile, Julianna is depicted as an impatient prodigy who grows increasingly frustrated with Colt’s predictable behavior. Together, they form a lethal partnership and become one of gaming’s most memorable duos.

Amazon Prime Use and Future Plans

I suspect that many, like me, utilize Amazon Prime not only for the convenience of Christmas shopping delivery but also for the diverse range of content it offers, such as watching Patrice Evra’s amusing antics or indulging in the thrilling world of Reacher. However, as the new year approaches, some of us may be contemplating canceling our Prime memberships. In light of this, the opportunity to grab Deathloop before bidding farewell to the “Bezos tap” seems like a wise decision. Don’t miss out on this chance to experience an engaging and immersive game.

While my unexpected solitude in the treehouse may not be the ideal scenario, it did lead to an unexpected discovery. Deathloop is currently available for free with Amazon Prime, allowing members to delve into Arkane’s latest creation. Although it may not reach the same heights as their previous titles, Deathloop delivers a unique and entertaining experience. Whether you choose to stay with Amazon Prime or bid it farewell in the new year, ensuring that Deathloop becomes part of your gaming collection is a decision worthy of consideration. So, make your way to the Prime Gaming page and claim this time-bending adventure before the deadline of January 10th.


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