Having had the opportunity to play a portion of Elden Ring’s expansion Shadow Of The Erdtree, I must say that the standalone levelling system introduced in the DLC is truly impressive. In my previous preview, I failed to delve into this aspect of the game, but now I aim to provide a more in-depth analysis of this unique system.

The standalone levelling system in Shadow Of The Erdtree revolves around three main components: Crosses, Scadutree Fragments, and Revered Ash Blessings. These elements play a crucial role in enhancing the gameplay experience and introducing new challenges for the players.

Crosses are scattered throughout The Land Of Shadow and serve as guiding points for players. They appear as brilliant, golden shafts of light, leading players to new areas within the DLC. Although they bear a resemblance to Graces, Crosses cannot be interacted with in the same manner. Additionally, Crosses often hold Scadutree Fragments, which are essential for the new levelling system.

Scadutree Fragments and Buffs

Scadutree Fragments are the primary resource in the standalone levelling system, offering players the choice to enhance their stats when resting at Graces. By exchanging Scadutree Fragments, players receive a temporary stat boost, but only while in the DLC areas. Once players leave The Land Of Shadow, the buff is lost. This creates a dynamic gameplay element where players must strategize when to utilize these resources for maximum advantage.

Similar to Scadutree Fragments, Revered Ash Blessings provide buffs to summonable allies, further enhancing the overall gameplay experience. These blessings can be obtained by defeating challenging enemies or discovering hidden treasures within the DLC areas. The optional nature of redeeming Ash Blessings and Fragments caters to different playstyles, allowing for a customizable gaming experience.

The introduction of the standalone levelling system in Shadow Of The Erdtree raises intriguing questions about game progression and difficulty. While the buffs offered by Scadutree Fragments may be seen as essential for most players to progress effectively, some may opt to forgo these enhancements for a more challenging experience. This choice adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay, catering to both casual and hardcore players alike.

The standalone levelling system in Elden Ring’s expansion Shadow Of The Erdtree presents a refreshing take on character progression and gameplay mechanics. The incorporation of Crosses, Scadutree Fragments, and Revered Ash Blessings adds depth and versatility to the gaming experience, offering players the freedom to tailor their journey according to their preferences. As the expansion’s launch date approaches, it will be fascinating to see how players navigate the challenges presented by this innovative levelling system.


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