Qatari telecoms provider Ooredoo recently announced a collaboration with Nvidia to deploy thousands of GPUs in data centers across six countries in the Middle East. This partnership signifies Nvidia’s entrance into the Middle East market on a large scale. The deal aims to enhance the region’s AI infrastructure by utilizing advanced technology to process vast amounts of data.

Ooredoo assured CNBC that the partnership with Nvidia is compliant with all U.S. regulations concerning the export of advanced chips. Despite restrictions on certain chips imposed by the United States last year, both companies have ensured that the deal does not violate any regulations. The focus of the restrictions is on specific chips like A100 and H100, not GPUs, which are integral to the collaboration.

In the race to acquire and safeguard cutting-edge AI technology, countries in the Middle East, like the United Arab Emirates, are making strategic decisions. Ooredoo’s CEO emphasized the significance of the latest generation GPUs in advancing artificial intelligence capabilities. These chips will revolutionize citizen services, increase productivity in corporations, and support research and development endeavors.

The cloud partnership between Ooredoo and Nvidia aims to position Nvidia as a key player in AI technology in the Middle East. By providing access to Nvidia’s full-stack AI platform, both Ooredoo and non-Ooredoo customers will benefit from enhanced AI capabilities. This collaboration is expected to fuel innovation, foster development, and create employment opportunities in the region.

Prior to the partnership with Nvidia, Ooredoo had committed to investing $1 billion in expanding its regional data center capacity. This investment, coupled with the collaboration with Nvidia, is predicted to yield substantial returns in the coming years. The CEO of Ooredoo expressed confidence in the increasing demand for cloud services and AI technologies, indicating the company’s readiness to surpass their initial investment projections.

Ooredoo’s strategic alliance with Nvidia holds the potential to transform the landscape of AI technology in the Middle East. With a focus on leveraging the latest advancements in GPUs to drive AI innovation, Ooredoo aims to meet the growing market demand for sophisticated AI solutions. By harnessing the power of Nvidia’s technology, the partnership is expected to propel the region towards becoming a hub for AI development and implementation.

Ooredoo’s collaboration with Nvidia marks a significant milestone in advancing AI technology in the Middle East. By harnessing the capabilities of Nvidia’s GPUs, Ooredoo is poised to revolutionize AI infrastructure in the region, drive innovation, and create new opportunities for growth and development. This partnership demonstrates the strategic vision of both companies in harnessing cutting-edge technology to meet the evolving demands of the digital age.


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