Arkane Lyon’s studio director Sebastien Mitton recently shared three concept artworks for the upcoming adaptation of Marvel’s Blade. These artworks offer a glimpse into the game’s setting and atmosphere. Let’s dive into these images and speculate on what they might reveal about this highly anticipated project.

The first artwork showcases Blade standing atop a rooftop, surveying a street filled with burning cars. Neon letters on a skyscraper read “Couvre-Feu Sortie Interdite” or “Curfew No Exit.” The architectural elements blend old and new, with chimney stacks juxtaposed against modern skyscrapers. In the distance, plumes of smoke rise, and the iconic Eiffel Tower catches the light. This scene evokes the vertical exploration and infiltration gameplay that made Dishonored so captivating.

The second concept art thrusts Blade into a graffiti-plastered alley. He peeks around the corner, observing people queuing outside a nightclub. A bouncer stands in the distance, while enticing tube lighting dangles above. Could this alleyway lead to a secret vampire den, hinting at a thrilling and action-packed sequence reminiscent of the first Blade movie’s dancefloor slaughter scene? Or is Blade simply a disgruntled patron, having been kicked out for his acrobatic antics?

The final concept art introduces Blade within the confines of a metro train. He brandishes his sword, confronting a group of angry triangles, which appear to be stylized bats. Could this be an indication of Blade’s encounters with powerful vampire foes? Might he even possess the ability to transform into a bat himself? These elements align with Dishonored’s enemy variety and unique toolset. However, what truly captures attention is the languid and disinterested appearance of the vampire figures within the train. Are they merely weary from indulging in excessive blood consumption, or are they disillusioned by their monotonous commuter lives? The ambiguity adds an intriguing layer to the game’s narrative possibilities.

Marvel’s Blade game brings players to a quarantined section of Paris during a supernatural crisis. Vampires hold dominion over the streets, while regular citizens seek refuge indoors. Blade assumes the role of the protagonist, tasked with restoring order to the chaotic city. As Mitton remarks, Blade embodies a slick, stylish, and determined character, providing Arkane Lyon with the opportunity to push their art style into new modern and bold territories. The studio’s expertise in impactful ideas and innovative execution ensures an exciting gaming experience.

Arkane Lyon’s Marvel’s Blade adaptation tantalizes fans with its intriguing concept art. The rooftop vantage instills a sense of vertical exploration, while the alleyway suggests thrilling encounters in hidden vampire dens. The metro train scene hints at unique abilities and a mysterious vampire society. With Paris in the grips of a supernatural emergency, players can expect a gripping narrative and compelling gameplay. Arkane Lyon’s expertise in crafting impactful and innovative experiences ensures that Marvel’s Blade will be a game worth sinking our teeth into.

If you missed the trailer, here’s your chance to catch a glimpse of the upcoming Marvel’s Blade game.


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