The intersection between games that draw inspiration from sources outside the realm of video games and the games that manage to pique my interest seems to be a perfect circle. Recently, I came across a fascinating thread where indie developers were sharing the non-game influences that had a significant impact on their projects. This trend sheds light on the diverse sources that shape the creative direction of indie games, making them unique and intriguing.

One striking example is RPG Deathbulge: Battle Of The Bands, where developer Dan Martin shared the non-game inspirations behind the game. It is refreshing to see developers drawing inspiration from sources like films, books, shows, and real-world events, as it adds depth and richness to the gaming experience. Moreover, learning about these external influences gives players a deeper understanding of the creative process behind the games they enjoy.

The beauty of this trend lies in the opportunity to not only gain insight into well-known games but also discover hidden gems that might have gone unnoticed otherwise. For example, the Dino Crisis homage Paleophage was not on my radar until I learned about it through this thread. By exploring the non-game influences behind indie games, players can stumble upon unique and innovative projects that offer a fresh perspective on gaming.

Indie developers are embracing a wide range of influences, from classic films like Suspiria and Hitchcock to contemporary works like Peep Show and Big Mouth Billy Bass. This diversity in inspirations not only showcases the eclectic tastes of developers but also enriches the gaming landscape by introducing new ideas and perspectives. Games like Gloomy Juncture, a neo-noir adventure inspired by iconic films, demonstrate the power of drawing inspiration from outside the realm of video games.

As I delved into the world of indie game development and explored the non-game influences shaping these projects, I couldn’t help but feel inspired by the creativity and ingenuity of developers. This trend not only highlights the depth and complexity of indie games but also serves as a reminder of the diverse sources of inspiration that drive innovation in the gaming industry. By celebrating the influence of non-game sources on indie game development, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the artistry and vision behind these unique and captivating games.


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