Death In Abyss is a game that takes players on a journey back to the Golden Age of survival horror, with a twist. While many creepy throwback games draw inspiration from the PS1 era, Death In Abyss takes a different route by invoking the N64. This unique blend of horror and nostalgia sets it apart from other games in the genre.

Developed by Norwegian dev Agelvik, Death In Abyss is described as a third-person “submarine action game.” Players are tasked with exploring a noxious ocean filled with angry, bioluminescent brains and other disturbing creatures. The game’s atmosphere is eerie and unsettling, drawing players into its dark and sinister world.

Despite its dark tone, Death In Abyss also injects a touch of whimsy into the gameplay. Players control a craft that moves in unique ways, including a cute little backstroke when put in reverse. This unexpected element of humor adds depth to the game and sets it apart from traditional horror titles.

Death In Abyss draws inspiration from other horror games like Devil Daggers and the anime Made In Abyss. Agelvik’s past works, such as Gun Devil and Lulu’s Temple, also contribute to the game’s unique blend of upbeat and macabre elements. These varied influences come together to create a truly haunting and immersive experience for players.

Fans of Death In Abyss can look forward to a demo of the game coming in July. For those who enjoy the oceanic horror theme, Underspace is another title worth exploring. While Underspace offers a different gameplay experience, it shares a similar focus on terrifying underwater creatures and exploration.

Death In Abyss is a game that combines horror, nostalgia, and whimsy in a unique and compelling way. With its unsettling atmosphere, creative gameplay mechanics, and inspiration from a variety of sources, it promises to deliver a memorable and immersive experience for players who dare to explore its dark depths.


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